36 research outputs found

    Neizrazito adaptivno upravljanje silom dodira slijednih mehanizama s jednim stupnjem slobode gibanja

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    The paper presents position/force control with a completely fuzzified adaptive force control system for the single degree of freedom servo mechanisms. The proposed force control scheme contains an adaptive fuzzy force controller and a subordinated fuzzy velocity controller. By using a second-order reference model, a model reference-based fuzzy adaptation mechanism is able to keep the error between the model and system output responses within desired limits. The results obtained by computer simulations indicate a stable performance of the force control system for a wide range of environment stiffness variations. The proposed adaptive force control method has also been effective in case of a contact with a rough surface or a complex form workpiece.Članak prikazuje upravljanje položajem/silom dodira slijednog mehanizma s jednim stupnjem slobode gibanja koriÅ”tenjem neizrazitog adaptivnog sustava upravljanja silom. Predložena shema upravljanja silom dodira sadrži adaptivni neizraziti regulator sile i podređeni neizraziti regulator brzine vrtnje. Koristeći referentni model drugog reda, neizraziti na modelu zasnovani adaptacijski mehanizam u stanju je držati razliku između odziva modela i odziva sustava u zadanim granicama. Rezultati dobiveni numeričkim simulacijama pokazuju stabilno vladanje sustava upravljanja silom dodira za Å”iroki raspon varijacija krutosti okoline. Predložena metoda adaptivnog upravljanja silom se pokazala uspjeÅ”nom i u slučaju dodira s neravnom povrÅ”inom ili s radnim predmetom složena oblika

    Application of robotic systems in modern firefighting

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    Primjena profesionalnih servisnih robota u vatrogastvu je iz godine u godinu sve veća, kako za neposredno gaÅ”enje, tako i za bolji nadzor i upravljanje požarima. Djelovanje robota odvija se u otvorenim i zatvorenim prostorima, uključujući i zračni prostor. Pojedina rjeÅ”enja prilagođena su urbanim uvjetima, dok su druga predviđena za gaÅ”enje na neravnim i teÅ”ko prohodnim terenima. Posebne su izvedbe robota za istraživanje, inspekciju i gaÅ”enje požara u stambenim i industrijskim objektima. Nadzor požara na otvorenim prostorima obavlja se pomoću specijaliziranih bespilotnih letjelica. Uporaba robota u vatrogastvu značajno smanjuje rizike intervencija, omogućava bolju koordinaciju i učinkovitiju borbu s vatrenom stihijom. Hrvatska ima razvijene vlastite vatrogasne robote i u tom pogledu zauzima ravnopravno mjesto s vodećim zemljama svijeta. U ovom radu se predlaže koncept naprednog nadzora i upravljanja požara temeljen na stručnim znanjima hrvatskih tvrtki i sveučiliÅ”ta.Each year the use of professional service robots in firefighting is growing, as for direct fire-extinguishing, so for better fire monitoring and control. Robots are acting in outdoor and indoor environments, including the air zone. Some of them are adapted for urban environments, the others are intended for use on rugged terrains. Special versions are of robots for exploration, inspection and firefighting in residential and industrial objects. Fire monitoring in open space is achieved by using unmanned aerial vehicles. The use of firefighting robots significantly reduces the risks of interventions, enables better coordination and more effective struggle with the firefront. Croatia has developed its own firefighting robots and in this regard takes place on an equal footing with the leading countries of the world. This paper proposes the concept of advanced monitoring and management of fire based on the expertise of Croatian companies and universities

    Virtual Reality Control Systems

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    Co-simulation perspective on evaluating the simulation with the engine testbench in the loop

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    This article shows how a hardware in the loop (HIL) simulation can be formulated in such a way that the quality of the simulation can be assessed by evaluating the total energy residual (TER). The validity of this approach was checked with the standard co-simulation to show that TER can be used to compare non-iterative Jacobi and Gauss-Seidel co-simulation masters. The given example with the known global error shows that the value of TER can correctly determine which of the co-simulation masters is better. In the experimental part of the article, the example of a HIL simulation with an engine test bench in the loop is presented. The experiments show that such a quality assessment approach can be used to determine the speed controller parameters for the engine test bench

    Projektiranje i implementacija sustava upravljanja robotskim manipulatorom za udaljeno ispitivanje zavara na reaktorskim posudama

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    In this paper a design and implementation of a remote control system of a manipulator for weld inspection of nuclear reactor vessels are described. Based on the client-server TCP/IP software architecture, the presented control system enables an operator to perform the entire inspection procedure remotely over a network, avoiding exposure to dangerous radiation normally present in nuclear reactor environments. The developed graphical user interface provides tools for planning weld scan trajectories, their verification on a robot and reactor vessel 3D model, and finally, execution of planned trajectories on a remote robot. In addition, the weld inspection process can be monitored in parallel on a virtual robot and reactor vessel model and by watching live video streams captured by two cameras mounted on the robot.U ovom radu opisan je postupak projektiranja i implementacije sustava za udaljeno upravljanje robotskim manipulatorom koji služi za ispitivanje zavara na posudama nuklearnih reaktora. Opisani sustav temelji se na komunikacijskoj arhitekturi tipa TCP/IP klijent-poslužitelj, te omogućuje provedbu cjelokupnog postupka ispitivanja na daljinu, bez potrebe izlaganja opasnoj radijaciji koja je uobičajeno prisutna u okruženju nuklearnog reaktora. Postupak ispitivanja provodi se koriÅ”tenjem razvijene programske aplikacije, koja putem grafičkog korisničkog sučelja operateru nudi alate za planiranje potrebnih trajektorija, njihovu provjeru na virtualnom 3D modelu posude i manipulatora, te izvrÅ”avanje na udaljenom manipulatoru. Operateru je također omogućen uvid u trenutno zbivanje u posudi tijekom cijelog postupka ispitivanja, paralelnim praćenjem virtualne 3D scene, te video slika s dvije specijalne kamere ugrađene na manipulatoru

    Laboratorij za robotiku i inteligentne sustave upravljanja LARICS

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    U ovom radu predstavljen je Laboratorij za robotiku i inteligentne sustaveupravljanja (LARICS) Fakulteta elektrotehnike i računarstva SveučiliŔta u Zagrebu

    Autonomous Vehicles and Automated Warehousing Systems for Industry 4.0

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    The rapid development of new technologies that enabled the emergence of important development segments such as the Internet of Things, Cyber Physical Systems, Information and Communication Technologies, Enterprise Architecture, and Enterprise Integration, have led to completely new manufacturing paradigms, which is called under the common name ā€“ Industry 4.0. The constantly growing use of autonomous vehicles and associated logistics solutions is among the most influential factors that foster this novel intelligent production framework. This paper describes the results of the latest research activities of the Laboratory for Robotics and Intelligent Control Systems in the Industry 4.0 domain where the focus lies on the shop floor digitalization and advanced control concepts that enable the transfer of technology and delivery of high-scalable logistic solutions